{M&A Process/4} Sell-side Preparation

Both prior to and following engagement, we’ll need information from the seller to assist with valuation, marketing, and diligence

▶ That information usually includes detailed information about the business such as financial statements, tax returns, and operational details, among other things.

▶ We also encourage all sellers to retain a financial due diligence firm to perform inside financial due diligence, including a quality of earnings (“QoE”) report.

▶ Your buyer will conduct their own FFD with a QoE, so having a baseline report that you can share with buyers later in the process is helpful and will inform our view as to valuation.

▶ Having appropriate information ready and organized in a data room for phased access shows organization and professionalism. That's a good first impression that is likely to carryover to buyers' view of the business as a whole.

The more we know and prepare, the better position we are in to help sellers realize an optimal exit.


Deal Diary: How to Handle Minority and Marketability Discounts in Operating Agreements


Ready to Sell Your Business? Here’s How to Take the First Step