Abbreviations guide.
M&A is full of acronyms.
Here’s our list of the most frequently encountered ones.
APA Asset purchase agreement
BP Business plan
BS Balance sheet
BU Business unit
CAGR Compound annual growth rate
CAPEX Capital expenditures
CCC Cash conversion cycle
CDD Commercial due diligence
CF Cash flow
CGT Capital gains tax
CIM Confidential information memorandum
CIT Corporate income tax
COC Change of control
COGS Cost of goods sold
COS Cost of sales
D&A Depreciation & amortization
DCF Discounted cash flow
DD Due diligence
DIO Days inventory outstanding
DPO Days payable outstanding
DSO Days receivable outstanding
DTA Deferred tax asset
DTL Deferred tax liability
EBIT Earnings before interest and taxes
EBITDA Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization
ERP Enterprise resource planning
EV Enterprise value
FC Forecast
FCF Free cash flow
FDD Financial due diligence
FS Financial statements
FTE Full time equivalent
FY Fiscal year
GAAP Generally accepted accounting principles
HOA Heads of agreement
HR Human resource
IC Investment committee or intercompany
IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards
IM Information memorandum
IOI Indication of interest
IPO Initial public offering
IRS Internal revenue service
JV Joint-Venture
KPI Key performance indicator
LB Locked box
LBO Leveraged buy out
LFL Like-for-like
LOI Letter of intent
LTM Last twelve months
MA Management accounts
M&A Mergers & Acquisitions
MAC Material adverse change
MAE Material adverse event (or effect)
MBI Management buy in
MBO Management buy out
MOU Memorandum of understanding
MP Management presentation
MRR Monthly recurring revenues
MT Management team
NAV Net asset value
NBO Non-binding offer
NDA Non-disclosure agreement
NOPLAT Net operating profit less adjusted taxes
NWC Net working capital
OPEX Operating expenses
PBT Profit before taxes
PE Private equity or Price-to-earnings
PF Pro forma
PL Profit- and loss account
PMI Post-merger integration
PSA Purchase and sale agreement
Q&A Questions & Answers
R&D Research & Development
R&M Repair & Maintenance
RR Run-rate or recurring revenues
SLA Service level agreement
SPA Share purchase agreement
SWOT Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats
TDD Tax due diligence or Technical due diligence
TS Term sheet
TSA Transitional service agreement
TTM Trailing twelve months
TWC Trade working capital
USP Unique selling point
VAT Value added tax
VC Venture capital
VDD Vendor due diligence
VDR Virtual data room
WACC Weighted average cost of capital
WC Working capital
YTD Year-to-date
YTG Year-to-go