{M&A Process/5} Market Intelligence

Once engaged, Sierra Pacific Partners conducts a market study using proprietary databases to assess the company’s value, determine active buyers in the industry, and talk to those buyers to uncover how they view and weigh various value drivers:

▶That information is then used to inform the positioning and marketing strategy for the business, as well as potential buyers to target.

▶Based on client goals and the marketplace, we’ll develop a thesis as to ideal buyer types - competitors, upstream vendors or downstream customers, participants in adjacent industries or geographies, financial buyers like PE and family offices, companies executing rollups, and/or employees and management - and develop marketing materials that appeal to those buyers.

In order to be successful, sellers must understand the market and particular buyer types within the market.


Maximizing Business Value: Insights from M&A Advisors


Deal Diary: How to Handle Minority and Marketability Discounts in Operating Agreements