Navigating 'Simple' Deals: Avoiding Pitfalls in Buy-Side Transactions

Recently, a buy-side client was confronted by a broker who informed him that his $6M listing was a "simple business." This was used to convey that typical terms like a reasonable timeline to closing to allow for financing, standard exclusivity, and seller financing were overkill for the transaction.

We are big believers in keeping things as simple *as the deal warrants,* but don't be willing to overlook basic transactional building blocks to appease the "simpletons".

In this instance, the broker knew what his client would accept and was advocating for that position. He may have also been a bit frustrated that his client's expectations were unrealistic. Absolutely nothing against this broker and his approach here, but you don't have to be the buyer that falls victim to the simple mantra and meets the seller's unrealistic expectations. Sometimes, some time and market seasoning does the trick .


{M&A Process/9} Going to market


{M&A Process/8} Buyer list