What advisors do I need to assist with a business sale?

Assembling a team of experienced professionals will help ensure a smooth and successful sale of your business. The key advisors you may need on your deal team include:

Business Broker or M&A Advisor: An experienced M&A advisor can help you market your business, find potential buyers, screen those buyers, and negotiate the terms of the sale. They can also provide guidance on pricing and deal structure. Your M&A Advisor will serve as the “quarterback” for your deal.

Attorney: A corporate attorney with experience in M&A can help you navigate the legal aspects of selling a business. They can draft and review contracts and protect your interests during negotiations.

Accountant: A qualified accountant can help you prepare your financial statements, conduct a business valuation, and advise on tax implications related to the sale. They can also assist with structuring the deal to minimize tax liabilities.

Financial Advisor: A financial advisor can help you understand the financial implications of the sale and develop strategies for managing the proceeds. They can also provide guidance on personal financial planning, retirement planning, and investment management.


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